Green Tea Shots Recipe the Must-Try Cocktail & Its Variation

Introduction to Green Tea Shots

Green tea shot has surged in popularity, becoming a staple in both bars and health circles alike. But what exactly are these vibrant concoctions, and where did they originate? At their core, green tea shots are a harmonious blend of ingredients that mimic the flavor profile of green tea in a concentrated, alcoholic form. Originating from the creative minds of mixologists seeking to capture the essence of green tea in a novel presentation, these shots have evolved into a cultural phenomenon.

Ingredients of a Classic Green Tea Shot

A Classic Green Tea Shot, despite its name, doesn’t actually contain green tea. Instead, it’s a popular cocktail that gets its name from its light green color, which is reminiscent of green tea. Here are the ingredients you typically need to make a Classic Green Tea Shot:

  • Jameson Irish Whiskey: This is the base spirit of the drink. The amount can vary, but a common measure is ½ ounce.
  • Peach Schnapps: This adds a sweet, fruity flavor to the shot. Typically, you use ½ ounce.
  • Sour Mix: This ingredient adds a tangy flavor to balance the sweetness of the peach schnapps. Again, ½ ounce is a common measure.
  • Sprite or Lemon-Lime Soda: A splash of this is added to give the shot a bit of fizz and lighten the drink, making it more refreshing.
  • Lemon Wedge (optional): For garnish or to squeeze into the shot for an extra citrusy kick.

To prepare the shot, you typically shake the whiskey, peach schnapps, and sour mix with ice, then strain it into a shot glass. The Sprite or lemon-lime soda is added last to top it off. This combination creates a sweet, tangy, and slightly fizzy drink that’s very different from what its name might suggest. A comprehensive guide to making various shots, including the green tea shot, with expert tips on mixology’s Green Tea Shot Recipe

How to Make a Green Tea Shot

To make a Green Tea Shot, you’ll follow a simple recipe that combines whiskey, peach schnapps, sour mix, and a splash of lemon-lime soda for a refreshingly sweet and tangy flavor. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • ½ oz Jameson Irish Whiskey
  • ½ oz Peach Schnapps
  • ½ oz Sour Mix
  • Splash of Sprite or Lemon-Lime Soda
  • Ice
  • Lemon Wedge (optional, for garnish)


  1. Prepare Your Ingredients: Gather all the ingredients listed above. If you’re using a lemon wedge for garnish, cut it before you start mixing the drink.

  2. Mix the Spirits and Sour Mix: In a cocktail shaker, combine ½ ounce of Jameson Irish Whiskey, ½ ounce of Peach Schnapps, and ½ ounce of Sour Mix.

  3. Shake: Add a handful of ice to the shaker. Secure the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously for about 10 seconds to chill and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

  4. Strain: Strain the mixture into a shot glass. The aim is to fill the glass with the chilled, mixed drink, leaving some room at the top for the soda.

  5. Top with Soda: Add a splash of Sprite or Lemon-Lime Soda to the shot glass. This should be done to taste, but the idea is to slightly dilute and add a fizz to the shot, not to overwhelm the other flavors.

  6. Garnish (Optional): If desired, garnish with a lemon wedge. You can either place it on the rim of the shot glass or squeeze a bit of its juice into the shot for an extra citrusy flavor.

  7. Serve Immediately: The Green Tea Shot is best enjoyed fresh and cold. Serve it immediately after preparation for the best taste.

This simple and quick recipe makes for a delightful party shot, balancing sweet, sour, and herbal flavors, despite its misleading name. Enjoy responsibly!

Variations of Green Tea Shots

The Green Tea Shot has inspired a variety of twists and variations, allowing bartenders and enthusiasts to experiment with different flavors while keeping the spirit of the original recipe. Here are some popular variations of the Green Tea Shot:

1. Spicy Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Use a spicy whiskey or add a dash of hot sauce to the original recipe.
  • Flavor Profile: This adds a kick to the smooth, sweet-and-sour flavor of the classic shot, perfect for those who enjoy a bit of heat.

2. Fruity Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Substitute peach schnapps with other fruit-flavored liqueurs like raspberry, apple, or watermelon schnapps.
  • Flavor Profile: This variation offers a wide range of fruity flavors, making the shot more versatile and customizable to personal taste preferences.

3. Citrus Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Add a splash of orange juice or use a citrus-flavored vodka in place of whiskey.
  • Flavor Profile: It provides a refreshing citrus twist, enhancing the tanginess and giving it a brighter flavor profile.

4. Tropical Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Incorporate coconut rum instead of whiskey and add a splash of pineapple juice.
  • Flavor Profile: This version transports you to the tropics, blending the sweetness of coconut with the tang of pineapple for a summery vibe.

5. Herbal Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Add a drop of green tea extract or muddle fresh mint leaves into the mix.
  • Flavor Profile: It introduces an herbal note to the shot, making it more reminiscent of actual green tea while adding complexity to the flavor.

6. Creamy Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Mix in a splash of Irish cream or half-and-half in addition to the original ingredients.
  • Flavor Profile: This creates a smoother, creamier version of the shot, softening the tanginess and adding a luxurious texture.

7. Non-Alcoholic Green Tea Shot

  • Ingredients: Use non-alcoholic whiskey and peach syrup instead of schnapps, along with the sour mix and soda.
  • Flavor Profile: It offers a way to enjoy the unique taste of the green tea shot without the alcohol, making it suitable for all ages and occasions.

Each variation of the Green Tea Shot offers a unique tasting experience, allowing you to explore different flavor profiles while enjoying the essence of the original recipe. Whether you prefer spicy, fruity, or creamy, there’s a variation out there to suit your taste.

Health Benefits of Green Tea Shots

The term “Green Tea Shots” in the context of cocktails, as previously discussed, doesn’t contain actual green tea and therefore doesn’t offer the health benefits associated with green tea. However, if we pivot towards actual green tea or green tea-based shots that are consumed for health purposes, it’s important to distinguish the benefits tied to genuine green tea consumption.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that have various beneficial effects on health. Here are some of the health benefits associated with consuming actual green tea or green tea extracts:

Rich in Antioxidants:

Green tea is packed with antioxidants, particularly catechins, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body. This can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Weight Management:

Some studies suggest that the catechins in green tea, along with caffeine, can help boost metabolic rate in the short term, potentially aiding in weight loss and fat burning when consumed as part of a balanced diet.

Heart Health:

Regular consumption of green tea may contribute to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. It has been shown to lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, as well as improve the overall LDL to HDL ratio.exploring dishes like Chick-fil-A’s Kale Crunch Salad can complement a diet aimed at improving heart health.

Brain Health:

The bioactive compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on the brain. They may reduce the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases in the long term. In the short term, the combination of caffeine and L-theanine in green tea can improve brain function, enhancing aspects of cognitive function and mood. For a brain-boosting meal, consider pairing your green tea with a nutritious dish like Chicken Enchilada Bowl.

Blood Sugar Regulation:

Green tea may help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for managing and preventing type 2 diabetes.

Anticancer Properties:

The antioxidants in green tea, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), have been studied for their potential to prevent various types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers.To support a cancer-preventive diet, integrating antioxidant-rich recipes such as Filipino Salmon Adobo can be beneficial.

Dental Health:

Catechins in green tea also have biological effects on dental health. They can kill bacteria, improving oral health and reducing bad breath.

Comparing Green Tea Shots and Green Tea

Comparing Green Tea Shots (the cocktail) to actual green tea reveals significant differences in ingredients, preparation, health benefits, and consumption contexts. Here’s a breakdown:

Ingredients and Preparation

  • Green Tea Shots: These cocktails do not contain any actual green tea. Instead, they’re made with Jameson Irish Whiskey, Peach Schnapps, sour mix, and a splash of lemon-lime soda. The preparation involves shaking the whiskey, schnapps, and sour mix with ice, then topping it off with soda.
  • Green Tea: True green tea is made by steeping dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant in hot water. It contains natural antioxidants and can be enjoyed plain or with added flavors like lemon or honey, but without the alcohol and sweeteners found in green tea shots.

Health Benefits

  • Green Tea Shots: The primary appeal of green tea shots is their flavor, not health benefits. The alcohol and sugar content in these shots can negate any potential health benefits, especially if consumed in large quantities.
  • Green Tea: Actual green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, which have been linked to health benefits such as improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of heart disease, and a reduced chance of cancer. It also contains amino acids like L-theanine, which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function.

Consumption Contexts

  • Green Tea Shots: These are typically consumed in social settings, like bars and parties, where the focus is on enjoying a flavorful, alcoholic beverage. They’re not consumed for health purposes but rather for their enjoyable taste and the social experience of sharing a round of shots.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is often consumed for its soothing effects, health benefits, and as a part of daily hydration. It can be enjoyed throughout the day and is a staple in many cultures, especially in Asia, where it is also part of traditional ceremonies.


While green tea shots offer a fun and tasty experience in social settings, they should not be confused with actual green tea, which is a healthful drink with a long history of use for its various benefits. The two share a name but cater to entirely different purposes—one is a party drink, and the other is a health-promoting beverage.

Cocktail Recipes Featuring Green Tea Shots

Green Tea Shots themselves are a cocktail, but they can also serve as a base or an inspiration for more complex cocktail creations. Here are a few inventive cocktail recipes that incorporate or are inspired by the flavor profile of the classic Green Tea Shot:

1. Green Tea Martini

  • Ingredients:
    1. 1 oz Green Tea Shot mixture (Jameson, Peach Schnapps, and Sour Mix combined)
    2. 1 oz Vodka
    3. Splash of Lemon-Lime Soda
    4. Ice
  • Instructions:
    1. In a shaker, combine the Green Tea Shot mixture with vodka and a handful of ice.
    2. Shake well until chilled.
    3. Strain into a chilled martini glass.
    4. Top with a splash of lemon-lime soda for a slight fizz.
    5. Garnish with a lemon twist.

2. Green Tea Peach Sparkler

  • Ingredients:
    1. ½ oz Green Tea Shot mixture
    2. ½ oz Peach Nectar
    3. Prosecco or Champagne
    4. Ice
  • Instructions:
    1. In a champagne flute, combine the Green Tea Shot mixture with peach nectar.
    2. Fill the rest of the glass with Prosecco or Champagne.
    3. Gently stir to mix.
    4. Add a peach slice or a twist of lemon as garnish.

3. Iced Green Tea Cocktail

  • Ingredients:
    1. 1 oz Green Tea Shot mixture
    2. 2 oz Brewed Green Tea, cooled
    3. ½ oz Lemon Juice
    4. ½ oz Simple Syrup
    5. Mint Leaves
    6. Ice
  • Instructions:
    1. In a highball glass filled with ice, combine the Green Tea Shot mixture, cooled green tea, lemon juice, and simple syrup.
    2. Stir well to mix.
    3. Garnish with mint leaves and a lemon wheel.

4. Green Tea Punch

  • Ingredients:
    1. 4 oz Green Tea Shot mixture
    2. 2 oz White Rum
    3. 4 oz Pineapple Juice
    4. 2 oz Orange Juice
    5. Soda Water
    6. Ice
    7. Fruit slices for garnish
  • Instructions:
    1. In a large pitcher, combine the Green Tea Shot mixture, white rum, pineapple juice, and orange juice.
    2. Stir well and refrigerate until chilled.
    3. Serve over ice in punch glasses.
    4. Top each glass with a splash of soda water for fizz.
    5. Garnish with slices of fruit.

5. Green Tea Cooler

  • Ingredients:
    1. 1 oz Green Tea Shot mixture
    2. 1 oz Cucumber Vodka
    3. ½ oz Elderflower Liqueur
    4. Soda Water
    5. Ice
    6. Cucumber slices and mint for garnish
  • Instructions:
    1. In a shaker, combine the Green Tea Shot mixture, cucumber vodka, and elderflower liqueur with ice.
    2. Shake until well chilled.
    3. Strain into a tall glass filled with ice.
    4. Top with soda water.
    5. Garnish with cucumber slices and mint.

These recipes showcase the versatility of the Green Tea Shot, transforming it from a simple shooter into the foundation for a variety of delightful and refreshing cocktails suitable for different occasions.

The Cultural Impact of Green Tea Shots

The cultural impact of Green Tea Shots has been quite notable, especially in the context of social gatherings, bars, and parties. Despite its name, the Green Tea Shot doesn’t contain any green tea but is a mix of whiskey, peach schnapps, sour mix, and lemon-lime soda, offering a sweet and tangy flavor. Its popularity and cultural impact can be explored from several angles:

Popularity in Bars and Social Events

  • Easy to Make: Its simplicity and the speed at which it can be prepared make it a favorite among bartenders and party hosts. This ease of preparation has contributed to its widespread adoption in various social settings.
  • Icebreaker: Its unique name and surprising taste (given its name does not accurately reflect its ingredients) often make it a conversation starter, serving as an icebreaker in social situations.

Social Media and Viral Trends

  • Online Sharing: The Green Tea Shot has benefited from social media, where users often share their experiences with the drink, including tutorials on how to make it, variations, and reactions to its misleading name. This online presence has boosted its popularity among younger demographics.
  • Viral Challenges: Like many food and drink trends, Green Tea Shots have occasionally been part of viral challenges and trends on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, further cementing their place in popular culture.

Misleading Name and Curiosity

  • Curiosity Factor: The misleading name sparks curiosity, as many first-time consumers expect a drink that tastes like green tea or contains green tea as an ingredient. This curiosity can draw people to try the shot, contributing to its popularity.
  • Theme Parties and Events: The shot is often featured in themed parties or St. Patrick’s Day events, where its green color and Irish whiskey ingredient make it a fitting choice.

Cultural Representation

  • Representation of Modern Drinking Culture: The Green Tea Shot exemplifies the modern trend towards inventive, easy-to-make cocktails that appeal to a broad audience. It reflects a shift away from traditional cocktails to more accessible, fun, and social-media-friendly drinks.
  • Global Influence: While it has its roots in Western bar culture, the global reach of social media has introduced the Green Tea Shot to a worldwide audience, influencing drinking trends and preferences internationally.


The cultural impact of Green Tea Shots extends beyond just another item on the menu; it embodies the playful, experimental nature of contemporary drinking culture. It has leveraged social media to become a part of the global conversation on cocktails, illustrating how traditional names and ingredients can be reimagined to create something entirely new and unexpected. This drink’s journey from a simple cocktail recipe to a cultural phenomenon showcases the power of naming, social sharing, and the endless quest for novelty in the culinary and beverage industries.

Expert Tips on Enjoying Green Tea Shots

Enjoying Green Tea Shots can be more than just knocking back a quick drink; with a few expert tips, you can elevate the experience, whether you’re making them at home or ordering at a bar. Here are some insights to enhance your enjoyment of this popular, albeit misleadingly named, cocktail:

1. Quality Ingredients Matter

  • Choose a Good Whiskey: The whiskey is the backbone of this drink. Jameson Irish Whiskey is traditionally used, but feel free to experiment with other brands. The quality of the whiskey can significantly affect the taste.
  • Fresh Sour Mix: If possible, use fresh sour mix. You can make your own by mixing equal parts lemon juice and simple syrup. This will give your shots a fresher, more balanced taste compared to store-bought mixes.

2. Balance is Key

  • The charm of a Green Tea Shot lies in its balance between sweet, sour, and alcoholic flavors. Don’t overpower one element; adjust the ratios according to your taste preferences but strive for harmony among the ingredients.

3. Temperature Matters

  • Serve it cold: The colder, the better. Shake the ingredients with ice to chill them thoroughly before straining into a shot glass. This enhances the refreshing quality of the shot.

4. Presentation

  • Garnish Wisely: A lemon wedge or twist can add a nice touch. Squeezing a bit of lemon juice on top before serving can also add a nice zest and enhance the flavors.
  • Colorful Glassware: Use interesting shot glasses to serve. The visual aspect of enjoying a drink can be as important as the taste for many people.

5. Experiment with Variations

  • Don’t be afraid to tweak the traditional recipe. For example, you could use a flavored soda instead of plain lemon-lime to add an extra layer of taste. Or, add a dash of matcha powder for a nod to the “green tea” name and an interesting twist on the flavor profile.

6. Mindful Consumption

  • While it’s easy to enjoy more than one due to their delicious taste, remember that they are alcoholic and should be consumed responsibly. Keep track of how many you’re having, especially if you’re also trying other drinks.

7. Learn and Share

  • Making Green Tea Shots can be a fun activity at a party or a get-together. Share the process with friends or guests; it can be a great way to start conversations and enjoy the social aspect of cocktail preparation.

8. Cultural Appreciation

  • Understand and share the story behind the misleading name of the Green Tea Shot. It’s a fun anecdote about how names can sometimes create an entirely different expectation from reality.

By considering these tips, you can turn the simple act of enjoying a Green Tea Shot into a more refined and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re a cocktail aficionado or just looking for something new to try, these suggestions can help make your next Green Tea Shot even more delightful.


What is a green tea shot made of?

A Green Tea Shot is a popular cocktail that, despite its name, does not contain green tea. It’s made with Jameson Irish Whiskey, Peach Schnapps, Sour Mix, and a splash of Sprite or Lemon-Lime Soda. The ingredients are typically mixed in equal parts, shaken with ice, and then strained into a shot glass, with the soda added last for a touch of fizz.

Why are green tea shots so popular?

Several factors contribute to the popularity of Green Tea Shots:

  • Easy to Make: They require just a few ingredients and can be quickly mixed, making them convenient for both bars and home entertainment.
  • Unique Taste: The combination of whiskey, peach schnapps, and sour mix offers a sweet and tangy flavor that’s appealing to a wide range of palates.
  • Social Media: Their intriguing name and vibrant color make them popular on social media platforms, where people love to share their experiences with novel and visually appealing drinks.
  • Misleading Name: The name sparks curiosity as people often expect a tea-based drink, leading to surprise and conversation when they discover its actual contents.

Are green tea shots good for you?

While Green Tea Shots can be a fun and tasty addition to social gatherings, they are not particularly healthful. The main components are alcoholic beverages and a sugary mix, which do not offer health benefits. As with any alcoholic drink, moderation is key to avoiding negative health effects.

What is the difference between a white tea shot and a green tea shot?

The main difference between a Green Tea Shot and a White Tea Shot lies in their ingredients:

  • Green Tea Shot: Made with Jameson Irish Whiskey, Peach Schnapps, Sour Mix, and Sprite or Lemon-Lime Soda.
  • White Tea Shot: Often includes Vodka instead of Whiskey, White Cranberry Juice instead of Sour Mix, and still includes Peach Schnapps and a splash of soda. The White Tea Shot may present a slightly lighter, crisper flavor profile compared to the richer, sweeter Green Tea Shot.


  • Can I make a non-alcoholic version of a Green Tea Shot? Yes, you can create a mocktail version by substituting the whiskey and schnapps with non-alcoholic alternatives, such as peach juice and non-alcoholic spirits, mixed with sour mix and soda.

  • How can I adjust the sweetness of my Green Tea Shot? You can adjust the sweetness by varying the amount of Peach Schnapps and Sour Mix. Using less Peach Schnapps and more sour mix will reduce the sweetness.

  • Is it possible to make a Green Tea Shot with actual green tea? While not traditional, you can experiment by adding a small amount of strong, cold green tea to the mix or substituting part of the sour mix with green tea for an actual tea flavor.

  • Are Green Tea Shots expensive to make at home? The cost of making Green Tea Shots at home depends on the quality of ingredients you choose. However, since the ingredients are used in small quantities, even premium brands can make numerous shots, offering good value over purchasing drinks at a bar.


In conclusion, Green Tea Shots are a popular and intriguing cocktail choice, known for their unique name, vibrant color, and sweet-tangy flavor profile. Despite their name, these shots contain no green tea but are instead a mix of Jameson Irish Whiskey, Peach Schnapps, Sour Mix, and a splash of lemon-lime soda. Their popularity stems from their easy-to-make nature, appealing taste, and the curiosity generated by their misleading name. While they are not healthful due to their alcohol and sugar content, they can be enjoyed in moderation during social occasions.

The difference between a Green Tea Shot and a White Tea Shot lies primarily in the base spirit and mixers used, offering an alternative for those looking to explore similar but distinct flavors. For health-conscious individuals or those avoiding alcohol, non-alcoholic versions of the Green Tea Shot can be made using non-alcoholic substitutes and fruit juices.

As with any cocktail, personal preference plays a significant role in how a Green Tea Shot is made and enjoyed. Adjustments to the recipe can be made to suit individual taste preferences, whether by altering the sweetness level or incorporating actual green tea for a twist on the classic recipe. Ultimately, the Green Tea Shot continues to be a favorite for its delightful taste, ease of preparation, and the fun it brings to gatherings, embodying the creative and social aspects of contemporary cocktail culture.

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