pizza rolls air fryer: Cooking Times & Tips

Pizza rolls have become a beloved snack for people of all ages, offering a quick and delicious way to enjoy the flavors of pizza in bite-sized portions. With the advent of air fryers, cooking these tasty treats has become even easier, providing a healthier alternative to traditional frying methods. This article will explore the ins and outs of preparing pizza rolls in an air fryer, ensuring you get that perfect crispy texture every time.For those interested in exploring more air fryer recipes, check out our guide on how to air fry dino nuggets perfectly every time.

How long do you put pizza in the air fryer?

Regular Pizza (Reheating): To reheat leftover pizza, cook it at 320-350°F (160-177°C) for 3-4 minutes. This range helps warm the pizza thoroughly without burning the crust.

Frozen Pizza: If you’re cooking a small frozen pizza that fits in your air fryer, cook it at 400°F (204°C) for about 8-15 minutes. Again, the time needed will depend on the pizza’s thickness and how crispy you like it.

For pizza enthusiasts, we also have an ultimate guide to 10-inch pizza, offering insights into creating the perfect homemade pies.

Choosing the Right Air Fryer

Choosing the right air fryer for making pizza rolls involves considering several factors to ensure you get the best results. Here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Capacity

  • Small Air Fryers (1-2 quarts) are suitable for single servings or snacks for one or two people. They can be a good choice if you’re only making a few pizza rolls at a time.
  • Medium Air Fryers (3-5 quarts) are the most versatile size, ideal for small families or if you want to cook a batch of pizza rolls for a few people.
  • Large Air Fryers (6 quarts and up) are best for larger families or if you’re hosting a party and want to cook a lot of pizza rolls at once.

2. Power and Temperature Range

  • Most air fryers operate between 800 to 2100 watts. Higher wattage models can reach higher temperatures more quickly, reducing cooking time.
  • Ensure the air fryer can reach at least 400°F (204°C) to ensure crispy pizza rolls.

3. Features and Functions

  • Preset Programs: Some air fryers come with preset cooking programs for popular foods, including pizza rolls, which can make the cooking process more straightforward.
  • Digital vs. Dial Controls: Digital models offer precise temperature and timer settings, while dial controls can be more durable but less precise.
  • Additional Cooking Functions: Some air fryers also function as rotisseries, dehydrators, or ovens, offering more versatility.

4. Ease of Cleaning

  • Look for an air fryer with non-stick, dishwasher-safe components to make cleanup easier.

5. Price

  • Prices can vary widely based on size, brand, and features. Decide on your budget and find the best air fryer within that range that meets your needs.

our article on maximizing sourdough bread shelf life provides additional tips on choosing appliances that suit your cooking style.

Cooking Pizza rolls Air fryer

For cooking pizza rolls in an air fryer:

  • Preheat the air fryer to 380°F (193°C) if your model requires it. Some models do not need preheating.
  • Arrange the pizza rolls in a single layer in the basket for even cooking. You might need to cook in batches depending on the air fryer’s capacity.
  • Cook for about 6-8 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through the cooking time to ensure they cook evenly.
  • Check the pizza rolls to ensure they’re golden brown and crispy. Cook for an additional minute or two if needed.

Remember, cooking times can vary based on the air fryer model and the amount of pizza rolls you’re cooking. It might take a few tries to find the perfect timing for your specific model. our chicken fries in air fryer recipe offers another quick and tasty snack option.

Choosing an air fryer that suits your needs will enhance your cooking experience, making it easier and more enjoyable to prepare delicious pizza rolls with a crispy exterior and hot, melty interior.

Preparation Before Cooking

Preparing pizza rolls for cooking in an air fryer involves a few simple steps to ensure they turn out crispy and delicious. Here’s a straightforward guide to get you ready for cooking pizza rolls in an air fryer:

1. Choose the Right Air Fryer

Make sure your air fryer is suitable for the amount of pizza rolls you plan to cook. Consider the air fryer’s capacity to accommodate either a small snack or a larger batch for multiple servings.

2. Preheat Your Air Fryer (Optional)

  • Preheating: While not all air fryer models require preheating, doing so can help achieve a more even and crispy result. If your air fryer has a preheat option, set it to 380°F (193°C) for about 3 to 5 minutes. If your air fryer doesn’t have a preheat setting, you can simply run it empty at 380°F for a few minutes.

3. Prepare the Pizza Rolls

  • Do Not Thaw: Keep the pizza rolls frozen until just before cooking. Thawing them beforehand can make them soggy.
  • No Overcrowding: Arrange the pizza rolls in a single layer in the air fryer basket or tray. This ensures each pizza roll cooks evenly and becomes crispy. Avoid stacking them, as this will lead to uneven cooking.

4. Light Oil Spray (Optional)

  • While it’s not necessary to use oil when air frying pizza rolls, a light spray of cooking oil can help achieve an extra crispy exterior. If you choose to use oil, make sure it’s a very light spray.

5. Set Aside Any Sauces or Dips

  • If you enjoy your pizza rolls with marinara sauce, ranch, or any other dip, prepare these ahead of time. Having your sauces ready will let you enjoy your pizza rolls hot and crispy right out of the air fryer.explore our perfect no-peek beef tips guide, which emphasizes the importance of preparation in cooking.

Cooking Tips:

  • Shaking or Flipping: Halfway through the cooking time, shake the basket or flip the pizza rolls to ensure they cook evenly on all sides.
  • Cooking Time: Start checking the pizza rolls a minute or two before the recommended cooking time. Air fryers can vary in power, and cooking times may need to be adjusted accordingly.

By following these simple preparation steps, you’ll set the stage for cooking perfect pizza rolls in your air fryer—crispy on the outside and hot and gooey on the inside. Enjoy your snack or meal with minimal effort and maximum satisfaction.

Cooking Your Pizza rolls Air fryer

Cooking pizza rolls in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to get a delicious, crispy snack. Follow these steps to ensure your pizza rolls turn out perfectly every time:

1. Preheat Your Air Fryer (If Necessary)

  • If your air fryer requires preheating, set it to 380°F (193°C). Preheat for about 3-5 minutes. If your air fryer doesn’t require preheating, you can skip this step.

2. Prepare the Basket

  • If you haven’t already, arrange the pizza rolls in a single layer in the air fryer basket or tray. Ensure they are not touching or stacked on top of each other to allow for even airflow and cooking.

3. Cook the Pizza Rolls

  • Insert the basket into the air fryer.
  • Set the temperature to 380°F (193°C).
  • Cook for about 6-8 minutes. The exact time might vary depending on your air fryer model and how crispy you like your pizza rolls.

4. Shake or Turn Halfway Through

  • Halfway through the cooking time, either shake the basket or use tongs to turn the pizza rolls. This ensures they cook evenly and get crispy on all sides.

5. Check for Doneness

  • After the initial cooking time, check if the pizza rolls are golden brown and crispy to your liking. If not, you can add an additional 1-2 minutes of cooking time. Be careful not to overcook, as they can become too hard or burst open.

6. Serving

  • Once cooked to your satisfaction, carefully remove the pizza rolls from the air fryer. They will be very hot, so give them a minute or two to cool down before serving.
  • Serve with your choice of dipping sauces, such as marinara, ranch dressing, or any of your favorites.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid Overcrowding: Cooking in batches is better than overcrowding the basket, as this ensures all the pizza rolls cook evenly and become crispy.
  • Adjust Cooking Time: The first time you cook pizza rolls in your air fryer, pay close attention to their doneness towards the end of cooking time. You might need to adjust the cooking time based on your air fryer’s model and your crispiness preference.
  • No Oil Necessary: Air frying pizza rolls doesn’t require adding oil, as the cooking process will naturally crisp up the rolls. However, a very light spray of oil can be used if you desire an extra crispy exterior.

By following these simple steps, you’ll enjoy perfectly cooked pizza rolls that are crispy on the outside and hot and delicious on the inside—a quick and easy snack that’s sure to be a hit!

Serving Suggestions

Serving pizza rolls from an air fryer offers a delightful snack or casual meal that’s both easy to prepare and delicious. To elevate the experience and add variety, consider these serving suggestions:

1. Dipping Sauces

Enhance the flavor of your pizza rolls with a variety of dipping sauces. Popular choices include:

  • Marinara Sauce: A classic pairing that mimics the pizza experience.
  • Ranch Dressing: Offers a creamy and tangy contrast to the crispy rolls.
  • Garlic Butter: Mix melted butter with minced garlic for a rich and flavorful dip.
  • Buffalo Sauce: For a spicy kick, buffalo sauce is an excellent choice.
  • Pesto Sauce: A fresh and herby alternative that pairs well with pizza flavors.
  • Alfredo Sauce: A creamy, cheesy sauce for a decadent dipping experience.For additional serving ideas, our article on Carolina gold BBQ sauce can inspire you to create complementary sauces for your pizza rolls.

2. Side Dishes

Pair pizza rolls with side dishes to create a more balanced meal. Consider:

  • Vegetable Sticks: Carrot, celery, and cucumber sticks can add a fresh and crunchy element.
  • Salad: Serve a simple green salad with a vinaigrette dressing to add freshness and balance the meal.
  • Sweet Potato Fries: Another air fryer favorite, sweet potato fries can be a sweet and savory side.
  • Mozzarella Sticks: For cheese lovers, additional mozzarella sticks can double down on the cheesy goodness.

3. Beverage Pairings

Choose beverages that complement the flavors of pizza rolls:

  • Soft Drinks: A classic choice, especially for kids and casual dining.
  • Iced Tea or Lemonade: Refreshing options that balance the richness of the pizza rolls.
  • Beer: For adults, a light beer or a craft ale can complement the flavors nicely.
  • Wine: A light red wine like Chianti or a crisp white wine such as Pinot Grigio pairs well with the tomato-based and cheesy flavors.

4. Plating and Presentation

  • Serve pizza rolls on a platter or in a basket lined with parchment paper for an appealing presentation.
  • Arrange dipping sauces in small bowls around the pizza rolls for easy access.
  • Garnish the serving platter with fresh herbs like basil or parsley for a pop of color and freshness.

5. Themed Party Ideas

  • Movie Night: Pizza rolls are perfect for a movie marathon, easy to eat without taking your eyes off the screen.
  • Game Day: Serve them during sports events as part of a snack spread.
  • Kids’ Party: A hit with children, they can be a centerpiece of a kid-friendly buffet.

These serving suggestions can help turn simple pizza rolls cooked in an air fryer into a fun and enjoyable meal or snack, perfect for various occasions or just a cozy night in.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Cooking pizza rolls in an air fryer is generally straightforward, but sometimes you might encounter issues that affect the outcome. Here are some common problems and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Pizza Rolls Bursting Open

  • Cause: Cooking at too high a temperature or for too long can cause pizza rolls to burst, releasing their filling.
  • Solution: Lower the temperature slightly and reduce cooking time. Start checking for doneness a few minutes earlier than suggested.

2. Uneven Cooking

  • Cause: Overcrowding the air fryer basket or not flipping/shaking the pizza rolls halfway through cooking can result in uneven cooking.
  • Solution: Cook in batches if necessary to avoid overcrowding. Ensure pizza rolls are in a single layer and shake the basket or flip the rolls halfway through cooking.

3. Not Crispy Enough

  • Cause: Not cooking at a high enough temperature or the air fryer not being preheated (if required by the model).
  • Solution: Increase the cooking temperature slightly. If your air fryer requires preheating and you skipped this step, make sure to preheat it next time.

4. Too Dry or Hard

  • Cause: Cooking pizza rolls for too long can dry them out and make them hard.
  • Solution: Reduce the cooking time. Keep an eye on the pizza rolls as they cook, and remove them as soon as they’re golden brown and crispy.

5. Sticking to the Basket

  • Cause: Some air fryer baskets, especially those not non-stick or older models, can cause food to stick.
  • Solution: Use a light spray of cooking oil on the basket before adding the pizza rolls. Alternatively, place a piece of parchment paper (with holes) at the bottom of the basket to prevent sticking.

6. Soggy or Not Crispy

  • Cause: Cooking from a thawed state, using too much oil, or the air fryer not circulating air effectively due to overcrowding.
  • Solution: Always cook pizza rolls from frozen. Avoid using too much oil. Ensure there’s enough space around each pizza roll for air to circulate.

Additional Tips

  • Preheat the Air Fryer: If your air fryer model recommends preheating, don’t skip this step, as it can help achieve a crispier texture.
  • Experiment with Cooking Times and Temperatures: Air fryers can vary significantly in how they cook. Use the cooking instructions as a guideline and adjust based on your specific model and preference.
  • Keep It Clean: Regularly clean your air fryer according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it operates efficiently.

Troubleshooting these common issues can help you achieve perfect pizza rolls with your air fryer, making them a quick and easy snack or meal addition that everyone will enjoy.

Nutritional Information

The nutritional information for pizza rolls can vary based on the brand and specific ingredients used. However, I can provide a general idea of what you might expect in terms of calories, macronutrients, and some micronutrients for a serving of commercially available frozen pizza rolls cooked in an air fryer.

Typical Serving Size for Pizza rolls Air fryer

  • A typical serving size for pizza rolls is about 6 rolls (85 grams).

Average Nutritional Values per Serving

  • Calories: 220-300 kcal
  • Protein: 5-7 g
  • Total Fat: 11-15 g
    • Saturated Fat: 2-4 g
    • Trans Fat: 0-0.5 g
  • Cholesterol: 5-10 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 25-30 g
    • Dietary Fiber: 1-2 g
    • Sugars: 2-4 g
  • Sodium: 400-600 mg


Pizza rolls are not typically a significant source of vitamins and minerals, but they may contain small amounts of:

  • Iron: A percentage of the daily value, contributing to the transport of oxygen in the blood.
  • Calcium: Found in the cheese, contributing to bone health.
  • Vitamin A: Present in tomato sauce, important for vision and immune function.


  • High in Sodium: Pizza rolls can be high in sodium, which is something to watch if you’re managing blood pressure or trying to reduce sodium intake.
  • Calorie Dense: They are relatively high in calories and fats, especially considering the serving size, which can be a concern if you’re monitoring your calorie intake for weight management.
  • Processed Food: As a processed food, pizza rolls contain preservatives and additives that some people prefer to limit in their diet.

Tips for Healthier Consumption

  • Serve with Vegetables: Pairing pizza rolls with a side of vegetables can help balance the meal, adding fiber and nutrients.
  • Watch Portion Sizes: It’s easy to consume multiple servings without realizing it, so be mindful of portion sizes.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water, especially if consuming salty snacks like pizza rolls.

Remember, while pizza rolls can be a tasty and convenient option, balancing them with whole, nutrient-dense foods throughout your diet is essential for overall health.

Cleaning and Maintenance of Your Air Fryer

Proper cleaning and maintenance are crucial for ensuring your air fryer continues to function efficiently and safely. Regular cleaning can also help prevent flavors from transferring between foods. Here’s a comprehensive guide to keeping your air fryer in top condition:

After Every Use:

  1. Cool Down: Always allow your air fryer to cool completely before attempting to clean it.
  2. Remove and Clean the Basket: Most air fryer baskets are removable and non-stick. Use hot, soapy water to clean the basket, tray, and pan. For most models, these parts are dishwasher safe, but check your manual to be sure. Use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to avoid scratching the surfaces.
  3. Wipe Down the Interior: With a damp cloth or sponge, gently wipe the inside of the air fryer. You can use a mild detergent if necessary. Be careful not to get the heating element wet.
  4. Clean the Exterior: Wipe the outside of the air fryer with a damp cloth. If there are any fingerprints or grease marks on a stainless steel surface, you can use a stainless steel cleaner for a streak-free finish.

Weekly or As Needed:

  1. Check for Oil Buildup: If you use your air fryer frequently, oil can accumulate in the bottom pan. This should be cleaned regularly to prevent smoke and burning smells during cooking.
  2. Deep Clean the Heating Element: Over time, grease and food particles can build up on the heating element located at the top of the air fryer. To clean, unplug the air fryer and let it cool down. Then, turn it upside down for easier access and gently scrub the element with a soft brush or cloth. You can use baking soda mixed with water to form a paste for stubborn residue. Ensure the heating element is completely dry before using the air fryer again.

Monthly Maintenance:

  1. Inspect the Cord: Check the power cord for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any fraying or other damage, stop using the air fryer and contact the manufacturer for a replacement.
  2. Check for Loose Parts: Inspect your air fryer for any loose components or parts that may need tightening or replacing.

Tips for Maintaining Your Air Fryer:

  • Avoid Non-Stick Sprays: Using non-stick cooking sprays can cause a buildup on the basket that is difficult to remove. Instead, if needed, use an oil mister filled with your choice of cooking oil or simply brush the oil onto your food.
  • Use Parchment Paper: To make cleanup easier and prevent sticking, consider using parchment paper liners designed for air fryers. Ensure they are perforated for proper air flow.
  • Store Properly: When not in use, store your air fryer in a dry place and cover it to prevent dust accumulation.

By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can help extend the life of your air fryer and ensure it remains a valuable tool in your kitchen for creating delicious, healthy meals.

Expert Tips for Perfect Pizza rolls Air fryer

Creating perfect pizza rolls in an air fryer involves a blend of the right preparation, cooking techniques, and serving tips. Here are some expert tips to elevate your pizza roll experience:

1. Preheat Your Air Fryer

  • Not all air fryers require preheating, but for those that do, this step can lead to a more even and crispy texture. Preheating ensures that your pizza rolls start cooking at the optimal temperature right away.

2. Avoid Overcrowding

  • Arrange pizza rolls in a single layer with space between them. This allows hot air to circulate freely around each pizza roll, ensuring even cooking and crispiness. Overcrowding can lead to soggy or unevenly cooked pizza rolls.

3. Shake or Flip Midway

  • Halfway through the cooking time, shake the basket or flip the pizza rolls. This helps them cook evenly on all sides and prevents any spots from becoming too brown or crispy.

4. Adjust Cooking Time Based on Load

  • The more pizza rolls you cook at once, the longer it might take for all of them to cook thoroughly. Start with the recommended cooking time and adjust as needed. Fewer pizza rolls may require slightly less time.

5. Experiment with Temperature

  • Cooking temperatures can vary depending on your air fryer model. While 380°F (193°C) is a good starting point, you may find that adjusting the temperature slightly can produce your desired level of crispiness.

6. Use Parchment Paper for Easy Cleanup

  • If your air fryer basket isn’t non-stick or you want to reduce cleanup time, consider using perforated parchment paper designed for air fryers. This can prevent sticking and make it easier to remove the pizza rolls once they’re done.

7. Let Them Cool Before Serving

  • Pizza rolls can be extremely hot on the inside. Letting them cool for a couple of minutes before serving can prevent burnt mouths and allows the filling to set slightly, making them less likely to burst open and spill.

8. Serve with a Variety of Dips

  • Elevate your pizza rolls by offering a range of dipping sauces. Classic marinara, creamy ranch, or spicy buffalo sauce can all add an extra dimension of flavor.

9. Consider a Light Oil Spray for Extra Crispiness

  • While not necessary, a very light spray of oil can help the pizza rolls achieve an extra crispy exterior. Use an oil mister or brush to apply a minimal amount of oil evenly.

10. Monitor Your First Batch Closely

  • Use the first batch as a test run to perfect the cooking time and temperature for your specific air fryer model. Once you’ve found the sweet spot, you can replicate it in future batches.

11. Customize Your Rizza Rolls in An Air Fryer

  • If you’re feeling adventurous, consider making your pizza rolls from scratch or adding extra toppings before cooking, like a sprinkle of Italian seasoning or grated Parmesan for added flavor.

By following these expert tips, you can ensure your pizza rolls turn out crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, and bursting with flavor every time.

Expert Tips for Perfect Pizza rolls Air fryer

Crafting the perfect pizza rolls, especially when using an air fryer, involves a mix of technique, timing, and a little bit of culinary creativity. Here are expert tips to help you achieve the best results:

1. Preheat for Perfection

  • If your air fryer has a preheat option, use it. Preheating the air fryer ensures that your pizza rolls start cooking at the optimal temperature from the moment they hit the basket, leading to a more even and crispy texture.

2. Avoid Overcrowding

  • Space is key for air circulation. Arrange pizza rolls in a single layer with some space between them. This allows the hot air to circulate freely, ensuring that each pizza roll cooks evenly and becomes crispy.

3. Shake or Flip for Even Cooking

  • Halfway through the cooking time, shake the basket or use tongs to flip the pizza rolls. This simple step is crucial for even cooking and helps achieve uniform crispiness on all sides.

4. Fine-Tune the Temperature and Timing

  • While the recommended temperature for cooking pizza rolls is usually around 380°F (193°C), slight adjustments might be needed depending on your specific air fryer model. Start with the suggested settings and adjust based on your observations. If the rolls aren’t as crispy as you’d like, increase the temperature slightly or extend the cooking time by a minute or two.

5. Use Perforated Parchment Paper for Easy Cleanup

  • To make cleanup a breeze and prevent sticking, consider lining the air fryer basket with perforated parchment paper designed for air frying. Just ensure the paper doesn’t cover all vents to maintain proper air circulation.

6. Let Them Rest Before Serving

  • Pizza rolls are molten hot on the inside when they come out of the air fryer. Let them cool for a minute or two on a plate before serving. This brief rest period helps prevent burnt tongues and allows the filling to settle.

7. Experiment with Dipping Sauces

  • Enhance the flavor of your pizza rolls by serving them with a variety of dipping sauces. Classics like marinara or ranch are always a hit, but don’t shy away from trying something new like garlic aioli or a spicy cheese sauce.

8. Lightly Oil for Extra Crisp

  • For an extra crispy exterior, lightly spray the pizza rolls with cooking oil before cooking. Use an oil mister to apply a fine, even layer. Choose an oil with a high smoke point, like canola or avocado oil.

9. Monitor and Adjust

  • The first time you cook pizza rolls in your air fryer, watch them closely to determine the perfect cooking time and temperature for your appliance. Air fryers vary in their efficiency, and slight adjustments may be necessary.

10. Customize Your Flavor

  • Before cooking, consider seasoning your pizza rolls with a light sprinkle of dried herbs (like Italian seasoning) or grated Parmesan for an extra flavor boost. Just be careful not to overload them, as excess seasoning can fall through the basket.

By applying these expert tips, you can master the art of making irresistible pizza rolls in your air fryer—perfectly crispy on the outside and deliciously gooey on the inside.

Alternatives to Rizza Rolls in An Air Fryer

If you’re looking for alternatives to pizza rolls that still offer convenience and flavor, there are plenty of options to explore. These alternatives can cater to various dietary preferences and occasions, providing both savory and sweet choices. Here are some delicious and easy-to-prepare alternatives:

1. Mozzarella Sticks

  • Breaded and fried or baked, mozzarella sticks are a gooey, cheesy snack that’s perfect for dipping. They offer a similar finger-food experience and are great with marinara sauce.

2. Mini Quiches or Tartlets

  • These can be filled with a variety of ingredients, offering a more sophisticated flavor profile. They’re perfect for breakfast, brunch, or as appetizers.

3. Empanadas

  • These pastry-filled pockets can be stuffed with a range of fillings, from savory meats and cheeses to sweet fruit fillings, making them versatile for any meal.

4. Pita Pockets with Filling

  • Stuff pita bread with your choice of fillings, such as grilled vegetables, chicken, or lamb, complemented by sauces like tzatziki or hummus for a quick and healthy meal.

5. Stuffed Mushrooms

  • Ideal for a healthier, low-carb option, mushrooms stuffed with ingredients like cheese, breadcrumbs, and herbs, then baked until golden, offer a savory treat.

6. Vegetable Spring Rolls

  • Filled with fresh or lightly cooked vegetables and sometimes shrimp or chicken, spring rolls are a light and refreshing alternative. Serve with dipping sauces like sweet chili or soy sauce.

7. Jalapeño Poppers

  • Jalapeños filled with cream cheese and possibly wrapped in bacon, then baked or fried, provide a spicy kick for those who enjoy a bit of heat.

8. Samosas

  • This popular Indian snack consists of a savory filling like spiced potatoes, onions, peas, and lentils, encased in a thin pastry and fried or baked to perfection.

9. Homemade Granola Bars or Energy Balls

  • For a sweet, nutritious snack, homemade granola bars or energy balls made with oats, nuts, dried fruits, and honey can be a satisfying alternative.

10. Fruit and Cheese Skewers

  • A simple, no-cook option that’s especially refreshing in warmer weather. Alternate pieces of fruit and cheese on skewers for a sweet and savory snack.

These alternatives to pizza rolls not only provide a variety of flavors and textures but can also cater to different dietary needs and preferences, from gluten-free to vegetarian options. Experimenting with these snacks can bring a delightful change to your snack-time or meal-prep routines, offering both savory and sweet treats to please any palate. 

Can I cook pizza rolls at 400°F?

  • Yes, you can cook pizza rolls at 400°F (204°C), but you’ll need to adjust the cooking time to avoid burning them. Cooking at a higher temperature can make them crispier, but it also increases the chance of the outside burning before the inside is fully hot. If cooking at 400°F, start checking them around 5-6 minutes and adjust as needed.


Cooking pizza rolls, Totino’s pizza, and regular pizza in an air fryer can vary based on the specific air fryer model, the type of pizza or pizza rolls you’re cooking, and your personal preference for crispiness. Here are general guidelines to help you with these FAQs:

How long do you cook pizza rolls in an air fryer?

  • Pizza Rolls: For most brands, including Totino’s, cook the pizza rolls at 380°F (193°C) for about 6-8 minutes. You may want to shake the basket halfway through the cooking time to ensure even crispiness. If you prefer them extra crispy, you can extend the time by 1-2 minutes.

How long do you cook Totino’s pizza in an air fryer?

  • Totino’s Pizza: Since Totino’s pizzas are small and designed to cook quickly, you can cook them at 400°F (204°C) for about 6-10 minutes. The exact time will depend on how crispy you like your crust. It’s a good idea to start checking at 6 minutes to ensure it doesn’t burn.

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