Buffalo Wild Wings Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta: A Culinary Masterpiece

Introduction to Buffalo Wild Wings’ Culinary Delight

Buffalo Wild Wings shines not only for its lively vibe and tasty wings but also for a menu gem: Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta. This dish blends creamy sauce, tender pasta, and chicken, offering a unique twist on Italian flavors. It’s more than food; it’s a flavor journey that leaves you wanting more.

The Secret Behind the Sauce

Buffalo Wild Wings’ Garlic Parmesan sauce stands out for its crafted blend of flavors. It’s not just a wing condiment; it’s a carefully balanced mix enhancing the meal. Let’s uncover the sauce’s secrets and what makes it special.

A Harmony of Flavors

The sauce’s magic comes from garlic and Parmesan. Garlic adds depth while cooking into a sweet profile that pairs well with Parmesan’s umami. This cheese adds a salty, nutty taste, enriching the sauce beyond a simple creamy mix.

The Creamy Base

Butter and cream create the sauce’s texture, blending garlic and Parmesan flavors. Butter adds smoothness, and cream gives body, making the sauce stick to pasta and wings with rich flavor.

Culinary Techniques

Making the sauce involves key techniques. Sautéing garlic gently develops its flavor without bitterness. Slowly mixing Parmesan into the cream prevents clumps, ensuring a smooth sauce.

This dish from Buffalo Wild Wings is not just a meal but an exploration of flavors, showcasing the art of blending simple ingredients into something extraordinary.

A Touch of Seasoning

Seasoning plays a crucial role in the final flavor profile of the Garlic Parmesan sauce. A dash of salt enhances the natural flavors of the ingredients, while black pepper adds a subtle warmth. Some recipes might also include a hint of herbs, such as parsley or oregano, introducing a fresh, aromatic note that complements the richness of the sauce.

The Secret Ingredient: Balance

The essence of Buffalo Wild Wings’ Garlic Parmesan sauce lies in the exquisite balance of its ingredients. The fusion of garlic’s fragrance with the nutty, savory Parmesan, mixed into a creamy base with just the right seasoning, crafts a sauce that’s both intricate and soothing. This careful balance elevates the Garlic Parmesan sauce from a mere topping to a cornerstone of the culinary experience at Buffalo Wild Wings.

This sauce exemplifies how simple ingredients, when combined thoughtfully and with a keen understanding of flavor harmony, can create unforgettable tastes. It’s a celebration of how tradition, technique, and creativity can come together to produce something truly remarkable.

A Deep Dive into the Pasta Selection

Choosing the right pasta is crucial for the perfect dish, affecting taste, texture, and presentation. The variety of pasta shapes, each with its purpose, plays a significant role in how a dish comes together. For example, thin strands like spaghetti are ideal for light sauces, while wider pastas like fettuccine suit thick, meaty sauces better.

The Importance of Shape and Texture

Pasta’s diversity in shape and size isn’t just for show. Each type is designed to best match certain sauces and dishes. The texture of the pasta, whether smooth or ridged, can greatly influence how it interacts with the sauce, affecting the overall flavor and mouthfeel of the dish.

Matching Pasta with Sauce

The key to selecting the right pasta is to consider the sauce and additional components of the dish. Creamy, rich sauces like the Garlic Parmesan sauce used in Buffalo Wild Wings’ pasta dish require a pasta that can support and carry the sauce’s weight and texture. Penne, with its tube-like shape and ridges, is an excellent choice for such sauces. The ridges catch and hold onto the sauce, ensuring that each bite is flavorful, while the hollow center allows the sauce to seep in, delivering a burst of taste with every forkful.

The Role of Pasta in Dish Composition

Beyond sauce compatibility, the choice of pasta also plays a crucial role in the dish’s overall composition and balance. For the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, the inclusion of chicken pieces necessitates a pasta that complements the protein’s texture without competing with it. Penne’s substantial structure pairs well with the chicken, providing a satisfying chew and ensuring that the pasta and protein are harmonious on the palate.

Considerations for Dietary Restrictions

The variety of pasta available now includes options from legumes, whole grains, and gluten-free sources, catering to diverse dietary needs and preferences. These alternatives add unique flavors and textures to classic dishes. For meals like Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, choosing these pasta options can make the dish more inclusive, ensuring everyone can savor its taste, regardless of dietary restrictions.

The Art of Pasta Selection

Ultimately, the art of pasta selection is about understanding the interplay between pasta, sauce, and additional ingredients. It’s about choosing a shape that not only complements the sauce’s texture and flavor but also contributes to the dish’s overall harmony and appeal. For dishes like Buffalo Wild Wings Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, selecting the right pasta is a testament to the thoughtful consideration of flavors, textures, and the dining experience itself.

The Chicken: Preparation and Perfection

The preparation of chicken, particularly for a dish as nuanced as Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, is a process that marries technique with timing to achieve perfection. Chicken, being a versatile protein, can be prepared in myriad ways, but achieving the right texture, flavor, and juiciness for this specific dish requires a thoughtful approach. Let’s explore the intricacies of preparing chicken that elevates the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta into a culinary delight.

Selecting the Right Cut

For Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, the cut of chicken plays a pivotal role in the dish’s final texture and taste. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are often the go-to choice for their lean nature and uniform cooking. However, thighs can also be an excellent option for those who prefer a juicier, more flavorful bite. The key is to select a cut that complements the creamy, rich sauce and pasta’s texture, ensuring a balanced bite every time.

Marination: Infusing Flavor

Marinating the chicken for Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta goes beyond tenderizing; it’s about enriching the chicken with flavors that harmonize with the garlic parmesan sauce. A marinade crafted from olive oil, minced garlic, lemon juice, and Italian herbs can significantly enhance the dish. The lemon juice’s acidity not only softens the chicken but also introduces a zestiness that balances the sauce’s creamy richness. Allowing the chicken to marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes, or ideally overnight, ensures that the flavors are thoroughly absorbed, laying the foundation for a dish brimming with taste.

Cooking Techniques

The method of cooking the chicken can significantly impact its texture and how well it integrates with the pasta and sauce. For Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, two preferred methods stand out:

  • Pan-searing: Quickly searing the chicken in a hot pan creates a golden-brown crust that locks in juices, providing a slightly crispy texture against the creamy pasta. It’s essential to let the chicken rest before slicing it into strips or bite-sized pieces, ensuring it remains juicy and tender.
  • Baking: For a hands-off approach, baking the chicken can be equally effective. Seasoned and marinated chicken can be baked until just cooked through, ensuring it remains moist and tender. Baking offers the advantage of preparing larger quantities simultaneously, ideal for feeding a crowd.

Slicing for Perfection

Once cooked, the way the chicken is sliced can influence the dish’s presentation and eating experience. Slicing against the grain into thin strips or bite-sized pieces ensures that each piece is tender and easy to eat. The size of the chicken pieces should complement the pasta shape, ensuring a harmonious blend of textures and flavors in every bite.

Integration with the Pasta

The final step in achieving chicken perfection in Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta is integrating the chicken with the pasta and sauce. The chicken should be added back into the pan with the cooked pasta and garlic parmesan sauce, allowing it to simmer briefly. This step ensures that the flavors meld together, with the chicken absorbing the sauce’s richness and the pasta becoming coated in the combined flavors of chicken and sauce.

From Kitchen to Table: The Journey

The journey from kitchen to table for a dish as beloved as Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta is a culinary adventure that combines art, science, and a dash of love. This process is not just about following a recipe; it’s about transforming simple ingredients into a meal that delights the senses and brings people together. Let’s trace the steps of this journey, highlighting the care and creativity involved in bringing this dish to life.

Step 1: Ingredient Selection

The journey begins with the selection of high-quality ingredients. Fresh, boneless chicken breasts or thighs, artisanal Parmesan cheese, premium olive oil, fresh garlic, and your choice of pasta form the foundation. The quality of these ingredients directly influences the dish’s flavor, so choosing the best available options sets the stage for a memorable meal.

Step 2: Marination and Preparation

Marinating the chicken is the next crucial step, where olive oil, minced garlic, lemon juice, and herbs infuse the chicken with moisture and flavor. Simultaneously, preparing the other components—grating the Parmesan, chopping additional garlic for the sauce, and measuring out the cream—ensures a smooth cooking process. This preparation phase is about laying the groundwork for the dish’s complex flavors.

Step 3: Cooking with Care

Cooking the dish is where the magic happens. The chicken is cooked using the chosen method—pan-searing or baking—until perfectly golden and juicy. Meanwhile, the pasta is boiled to al dente perfection, and the garlic Parmesan sauce is simmered to creamy consistency. Each element requires attention to timing and technique, ensuring everything comes together harmoniously.

Step 4: Combining Elements

The pivotal moment in the journey is combining the cooked pasta, chicken, and garlic Parmesan sauce. This step is about more than just mixing; it’s about allowing the flavors to meld and the textures to unify. The pasta absorbs the sauce, the chicken adds its savory depth, and a final sprinkle of Parmesan and herbs completes the dish.

Step 5: Plating with Passion

Plating the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta is the final creative act before serving. This is an opportunity to showcase the dish’s appeal, with a twirl of pasta, perfectly placed chicken pieces, and a garnish of fresh herbs or extra Parmesan. The presentation should be as inviting as the flavors, promising the delicious experience that awaits.

Step 6: The Serving Experience

Serving the dish is where the journey from kitchen to table culminates. It’s a moment of pride and anticipation as the pasta is presented to diners, filling the room with the aroma of garlic and Parmesan. This step is about sharing not just a meal, but an experience, inviting others to partake in the labor of love that has gone into the dish.

Step 7: Enjoyment and Connection

The culmination of the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta experience at Buffalo Wild Wings is in its enjoyment. The dish’s rich flavors, diverse textures, and inviting aromas come together to create moments of connection. It’s during these times, as the meal is savored, that food transcends its role as mere sustenance, becoming a catalyst for conversation, laughter, and the creation of shared memories. The journey from kitchen to table reaches its fulfillment not just in the satisfaction derived from the meal but in the affirmation of cooking’s ability to unite people.

Nutritional Information

Given the proprietary nature of Buffalo Wild Wings’ recipes and the variability in serving sizes, providing exact nutritional details for their Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta can be complex. However, a general assessment can be made based on the typical ingredients found in similar dishes. This assessment can offer insights into the potential calorie content, macronutrient distribution, and other nutritional facets of a dish characterized by its creamy, cheese-laden sauce and chicken.

Estimated Nutritional Overview:


  • A serving of Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta could range significantly in calories, but a typical restaurant serving might contain anywhere from 700 to 1200 calories. The wide range accounts for variations in serving size, the amount of sauce, and the type of pasta used.


  • Protein: Given that the dish includes chicken, a high-protein ingredient, a serving could provide approximately 30 to 50 grams of protein, depending on the portion size of the chicken.
  • Carbohydrates: Pasta is a carb-heavy component. A serving might contain 70 to 100 grams of carbohydrates, influenced by the pasta type and serving size.
  • Fats: The creamy garlic Parmesan sauce, made with ingredients like cream, butter, and cheese, could contribute a significant amount of fat, possibly 20 to 50 grams per serving. The exact amount would depend on the creaminess of the sauce and the use of additional fats in cooking.


  • Restaurant dishes, especially those with cheese and seasoned sauces, tend to be high in sodium. A serving could easily contain 800 to 1500 mg of sodium, if not more.

Cholesterol and Saturated Fats:

  • With cream, butter, and cheese as key ingredients, the dish could be high in cholesterol and saturated fats. Exact amounts would vary based on the specific recipe used.

Dietary Fiber:

  • Depending on whether the pasta is made from refined or whole grains and the inclusion of any vegetables, fiber content could range from 2 to 5 grams per serving.


  • Portion Size: Restaurant servings are often larger than standard dietary guidelines recommend. Sharing a dish or saving half for later can help manage calorie intake.
  • Customization: Some restaurants allow for customization, such as substituting whole grain pasta or adding vegetables, which can alter the nutritional content for the better.
  • Balance: If you’re enjoying this dish as part of a larger meal, consider balancing it with lighter options, like a side salad, to add fiber and reduce the overall calorie density of your meal.

Pairing with Sides and Drinks

Pairing the right sides and drinks with a dish as rich and savory as Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta can elevate the dining experience, balancing flavors and textures for a more rounded meal. Given the creamy, garlicky, and umami-packed nature of this pasta, selecting accompaniments that complement without overwhelming is key. Here’s a guide to choosing sides and drinks that harmonize beautifully with Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta, whether dining at Buffalo Wild Wings or enjoying a homemade version.


  1. Crisp Green Salad: A fresh salad with a light vinaigrette dressing can cut through the richness of the pasta, refreshing the palate between bites. Opt for greens like arugula, spinach, or a spring mix, adding cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a sprinkle of nuts for crunch.
  2. Roasted Vegetables: Vegetables like asparagus, Brussels sprouts, or broccoli, roasted with a touch of olive oil, salt, and pepper, offer a smoky, charred flavor that pairs well with the creamy pasta. Their natural bitterness and crunch provide a nice contrast to the dish’s richness.
  3. Garlic Bread: While the pasta itself is rich in garlic flavor, a side of crispy garlic bread is perfect for sopping up any remaining sauce. Choose a light, airy bread to avoid heaviness.


Non-Alcoholic Options:

  • Sparkling Water: A bubbly, unsweetened sparkling water can cleanse the palate and contrast the creamy pasta.
  • Lemonade: For a non-alcoholic drink with flavor, lemonade offers a sweet and tangy profile that can balance the dish’s richness. Opt for a homemade or less-sweet version to avoid overpowering the meal.

Cooking at Home: Recipe and Tips

Cooking Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta at home is a delightful endeavor that brings the rich, comforting flavors of this beloved dish to your kitchen. Here’s a comprehensive recipe and some tips to ensure your homemade version is as delicious as any you’d find in a restaurant.

Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta Recipe


  • 1 lb (450g) chicken breast, thinly sliced
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional, for a bit of heat)
  • 1 lb (450g) penne pasta
  • Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish


  1. Prepare the Pasta:
    • Cook the penne pasta according to package instructions until al dente. Drain and set aside, reserving a cup of pasta water for later.
  2. Cook the Chicken:
    • Season the chicken slices with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook until golden and no longer pink in the middle, about 5-7 minutes per side. Remove from the skillet and set aside.
  3. Make the Sauce:
    • In the same skillet, add a bit more olive oil if needed and sauté the minced garlic until fragrant, about 1 minute. Be careful not to burn it.
    • Pour in the heavy cream and chicken broth, stirring to combine. Bring to a simmer.
    • Lower the heat and gradually stir in the Parmesan cheese until the sauce thickens. If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of the reserved pasta water until you reach the desired consistency.
    • Season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes (if using).
  4. Combine:
    • Slice the cooked chicken into strips or bite-sized pieces and add them back to the skillet with the sauce. Add the cooked pasta and toss everything together until the pasta is coated in the sauce and the chicken is evenly distributed.
  5. Serve:
    • Transfer to a serving dish and garnish with chopped parsley. Serve hot with extra Parmesan cheese on the side.

Cooking Tips:

  • Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh garlic and freshly grated Parmesan for the best flavor. Pre-grated cheese often contains anti-caking agents that can affect the sauce’s smoothness.
  • Chicken Preparation: For tender chicken, don’t overcook it. Remove it from the skillet as soon as it’s cooked through to keep it juicy.
  • Sauce Consistency: The sauce will thicken upon standing, so it’s better to lean towards a slightly thinner consistency when cooking. It will absorb into the pasta and thicken as it cools.
  • Pasta Choice: While penne is recommended for its ability to hold sauce, feel free to use other pasta shapes like fettuccine or rigatoni.
  • Serving Suggestion: Pair with a light salad or roasted vegetables to balance the richness of the pasta.

Cooking Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta at home allows you to adjust the flavors to your liking, making it creamier, spicier, or adding more garlic as desired. Enjoy the process and the delicious results of your culinary efforts!

Buffalo Wild Wings Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta

Buffalo Wild Wings’ Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta stands out in the casual dining scene, highlighting the brand’s dedication to innovation and quality. Featuring creamy sauce, juicy chicken, and al dente pasta, this dish exceeds typical sports bar fare, offering a comforting and richly satisfying meal for diverse palates.

The Essence of the Dish

The Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta showcases simplicity and quality. High-quality ingredients blend to create a dish more impressive than its parts. Al dente penne pasta, with its perfect ridges, holds the rich sauce well. Seasoned, juicy chicken adds flavor and substance, making the meal both hearty and tasty.

The sauce’s magic lies in its blend of fresh garlic, cream, and Parmesan. This mix gives the pasta and chicken a deep, flavorful coating. Garlic brings warmth and aroma, while Parmesan adds savory depth, enhancing the dish’s overall excellence.

A Dish That Brings People Together

Buffalo Wild Wings is known for its lively setting, attracting sports fans and groups of friends and family. The Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta is a menu highlight, ideal for sharing and sparking conversation in this vibrant atmosphere.

This pasta bridges American sports bar classics with Italian culinary traditions. It reflects global dining influences, showing how great food unites cultures. Amid wings and burgers, this pasta stands out, honoring Italian cuisine’s rich legacy.

Commitment to Quality

Buffalo Wild Wings’ inclusion of the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta on their menu underscores their dedication to quality and diversity. Through the careful selection of premium ingredients and meticulous preparation, they ensure each dish served reflects their commitment to an exceptional dining experience. This dedication extends across the menu, promising something delightful for every guest.

Behind the Scenes: The Making of a Menu Hit

The creation of the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta at Buffalo Wild Wings showcases the journey of culinary innovation, passion, and a quest for exceptional flavors. Each menu item has its own story, marked by creativity, experimentation, and a commitment to excellence. The Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta is a prime example of this process, representing the realization of a culinary vision.


The journey began with a straightforward idea: to blend the comforting essence of Italian cuisine with the bold, distinctive flavors for which Buffalo Wild Wings is celebrated. The goal was to diversify the menu with a pasta dish that was both comforting and intriguing. This spark of creativity initiated a culinary journey, culminating in the creation of a dish cherished by many.

Experimentation and Refinement

The development process involved numerous iterations, with chefs experimenting with different pasta shapes, varieties of cheese, and adjustments in seasoning to find the perfect balance of flavors and textures. The choice of penne pasta, with its ability to hold sauce and provide a satisfying bite, was a deliberate one, ensuring that each forkful would be as flavorful as the last.

The sauce, a critical component of the dish, underwent its own series of refinements. The team focused on achieving a rich, creamy texture without overpowering the garlic and Parmesan’s nuanced flavors. This required a careful selection of ingredients and a precise cooking technique, ensuring the sauce would be a harmonious blend of savory, cheesy, and garlicky notes.

Collaboration and Feedback

Creating a menu hit is a collaborative effort, involving not just the chefs but also feedback from taste testers, restaurant staff, and early diners. This feedback loop was crucial in fine-tuning the dish, adjusting seasoning, and sauce consistency based on real-world reactions. It’s a process that underscores the importance of listening to those who will ultimately enjoy the dish, ensuring it meets the high standards Buffalo Wild Wings’ guests have come to expect.

Launch and Reception

The introduction of the Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta to the menu was met with anticipation and excitement. Marketing efforts highlighted the dish’s comforting qualities and its roots in Italian culinary tradition, appealing to a wide range of diners seeking both familiarity and innovation in their meal choices. The positive reception from guests confirmed the success of the development process, cementing the dish’s status as a menu hit.

The Culinary Team’s Passion

The creation of Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta at Buffalo Wild Wings is driven by the culinary team’s passion and commitment to excellence. From the first idea to the dish served, each step reflects their dedication to memorable meals. This journey underscores the collective effort of professionals who blend their skills, creativity, and love for food daily.

FAQs on Buffalo Wild Wings Garlic Parmesan Sauce and Dishes

What does Buffalo Wild Wings garlic parmesan sauce taste like?

Buffalo Wild Wings’ Garlic Parmesan sauce is a creamy, rich concoction that perfectly balances the robust flavors of garlic and Parmesan cheese. The sauce has a deep, savory profile with a hint of nuttiness from the Parmesan and a warm, aromatic essence from the garlic. It’s not spicy but rather offers a comforting, umami-packed taste that complements chicken wings and pasta dishes beautifully.

What are the ingredients in Buffalo Wild Wings Parmesan garlic sauce?

The exact recipe for Buffalo Wild Wings’ Garlic Parmesan sauce remains a secret, but it’s known to include garlic, Parmesan cheese, and likely cream or a similar base for its creamy texture. Herbs and spices are added to balance the garlic’s sharpness with the cheese’s savory depth. This careful blend gives the sauce its rich flavor and luxurious texture, making it a favorite in their menu.

How many calories are in garlic parmesan chicken pasta?

The calorie content of Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta can vary significantly based on the recipe’s specifics, including the amount of sauce, type of pasta, and portion size. A typical serving at a restaurant might range from 800 to over 1,200 calories, considering the rich ingredients like cream and cheese used in the sauce, as well as the pasta and chicken.

How many calories are in garlic parmesan wings from Buffalo Wild Wings?

The calorie count for Garlic Parmesan Wings from Buffalo Wild Wings depends on the order size and whether you choose traditional (bone-in) or boneless wings. A small order of traditional wings with Garlic Parmesan sauce can contain around 700 to 1,000 calories, while boneless wings may have a similar or slightly higher calorie count due to their breading. It’s always best to consult the restaurant’s nutritional information for the most accurate data.


Buffalo Wild Wings’ Garlic Parmesan sauce, featured in both their Garlic Parmesan Chicken Pasta and Wings, delivers a taste that blends garlic and Parmesan’s comforting flavors with the restaurant’s knack for bold, satisfying dishes. This combination offers a creamy, savory escape, making these options a hit for those craving familiar yet indulgent meals. The sauce’s rich flavor and aroma have made it a favorite. However, considering portion sizes and nutritional content is wise for enjoying these treats as part of a balanced diet.

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