Beanie Weenies: Recipes, Pairings & Tips

Beanie weenies, a dish as fun to say as it is to eat, combines the hearty simplicity of baked beans with the savory delight of hot dogs. This comfort food classic has roots that delve deep into the heart of American cuisine, offering a nostalgic taste of childhood for many. Its origin story, while not definitively recorded, speaks to the ingenuity of home cooks looking to create filling meals during times when pantry staples were all that was available.

What You Need for the Recipe

Beanie weenies is a simple, comforting dish that combines baked beans with hot dogs, a classic American comfort food. Here’s a basic recipe and the ingredients you’ll need to make it:


  • 1 can (28 ounces) of baked beans: You can choose any variety you prefer, such as vegetarian, pork and beans, etc.
  • 4 to 6 hot dogs: Slice them into bite-sized pieces. You can use any type of hot dogs you like, including beef, pork, turkey, or even meat-free alternatives for a vegetarian version.
  • 1 onion: Finely chopped. This is optional but adds a nice flavor.
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar: For a little extra sweetness.
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard: This can be adjusted to taste. You can use yellow mustard or something with more spice, like Dijon, depending on your preference.
  • 2 tablespoons of ketchup: Adds flavor and a bit of tanginess.
  • Optional seasonings: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, etc., according to your taste preferences.


  1. Prep Your Ingredients: Start by slicing the hot dogs into bite-sized pieces. If you’re using an onion, chop it finely. 
  2. Cook the Onions (Optional): In a medium-sized skillet over medium heat, sauté the onions until they are soft and translucent. This step is optional but recommended for enhanced flavor. 
  3. Combine Ingredients: In a saucepan or a skillet, combine the baked beans, sliced hot dogs, cooked onions (if using), brown sugar, mustard, and ketchup. If you’re adding any optional seasonings, include them here. 
  4. Simmer: Cook the mixture over low to medium heat, stirring occasionally, until everything is heated through and the flavors have melded together. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes. 
  5. Adjust Seasonings: Taste your beanie weenies and adjust the seasonings if necessary. You might want to add a bit more mustard, ketchup, or a pinch of salt and pepper. 
  6. Serve: Once everything is hot and the flavors are to your liking, serve the beanie weenies. They can be enjoyed on their own or with a side of bread or rice. 

Beanie weenies is a versatile dish, so feel free to adjust the ingredients and seasonings to match your personal taste preferences. Enjoy your comforting, homemade beanie weenies!

Step-by-Step Cooking Guide

Certainly! Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to making beanie weenies, perfect for a comforting meal any day of the week:

Gather Your Ingredients

First, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand:

  • 1 can (28 ounces) of baked beans
  • 4 to 6 hot dogs
  • 1 onion (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup
  • Optional seasonings (such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika)

Prepare the Ingredients

  • Slice the hot dogs into bite-sized pieces, about 1/2 inch thick. This ensures they will cook evenly and be easy to eat.
  • Chop the onion finely if you’re using one. This will add a nice depth of flavor to the dish.

Sauté the Onions (Optional)

  • In a medium skillet over medium heat, add a little oil or butter. Once hot, add the chopped onions.
  • Sauté the onions until they’re soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent them from burning.

Combine the Ingredients

  • In a large saucepan or skillet, add the baked beans. Stir in the brown sugar, mustard, and ketchup.
  • Add the sliced hot dogs to the saucepan, along with the sautéed onions if you’re using them.
  • If you’re adding any additional seasonings, such as salt, pepper, or garlic powder, add them now.

Cook the Beanie Weenies

  • Mix all the ingredients together until well combined.
  • Heat the mixture over low to medium heat. Allow it to simmer gently, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking or burning. This should take about 10-15 minutes.
  • As it simmers, the flavors will meld together, and the hot dogs will become fully heated through.

Adjust Seasonings and Serve

  • Before serving, taste the beanie weenies and adjust the seasonings if necessary. You might want to add a little more mustard for tanginess, ketchup for sweetness, or salt and pepper for overall flavor.
  • Once you’re happy with the taste, remove the pan from the heat.

Serving Suggestions

  • Serve the beanie weenies hot. They can be enjoyed on their own or with sides such as bread, rice, or a simple green salad.
  • For a fun twist, you can serve them over toasted bread or inside a hollowed-out bread loaf for a beanie weenies bread bowl.


  • For a healthier version, consider using low-sodium baked beans and turkey or meat-free hot dogs.
  • This dish is very forgiving and can be easily adjusted to suit your taste preferences or dietary needs.

Enjoy your homemade beanie weenies! This simple yet satisfying dish is perfect for a quick weeknight dinner or a cozy weekend meal.

Variations of the Classic Recipe

Beanie weenies is a classic dish that’s beloved for its simplicity and comfort food status. However, its basic nature makes it a perfect canvas for a variety of creative twists and variations. Here are some ideas to customize your beanie weenies and keep the dish exciting:

1. BBQ Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients: Add a generous squirt of barbecue sauce in place of or in addition to the ketchup for a smoky flavor. You can also add a dash of liquid smoke for an extra smoky kick.
  • Preparation: Follow the basic recipe, integrating the barbecue sauce into the bean mixture.
  • Serving Suggestion: Top with crispy fried onions for added texture and flavor.

2. Spicy Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients: Incorporate chopped jalapeños or a spoonful of chili powder to the mix to heat things up. A dash of hot sauce can also work wonders.
  • Preparation: Mix these spicy elements into the beans and hot dogs as they cook.
  • Serving Suggestion: Serve with a dollop of sour cream to balance the heat.

3. Cheesy Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients: Stir in a cup of grated cheddar or pepper jack cheese until it melts into the beanie weenies for a gooey, cheesy delight.
  • Preparation: Add the cheese just before you’re ready to serve so it melts perfectly.
  • Serving Suggestion: Sprinkle some chopped green onions on top for a burst of color and freshness.

4. Vegetarian Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients: Use vegetarian hot dogs and a vegetarian baked bean variety. You can also add more veggies to the mix, like bell peppers and corn.
  • Preparation: Sauté the additional vegetables before adding them to the beans and vegetarian hot dogs.
  • Serving Suggestion: Garnish with fresh cilantro for an extra layer of flavor.

5. Sweet and Savory Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients: Add apple chunks and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a unique sweet and savory combination.
  • Preparation: Cook the apples until slightly soft before adding them to the dish, allowing the cinnamon to simmer with the beans and hot dogs.
  • Serving Suggestion: Serve with a side of cornbread to complement the sweet and savory flavors.

6. Breakfast Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients: Incorporate breakfast sausage instead of hot dogs and add a beaten egg or two into the skillet, stirring until the eggs are cooked.
  • Preparation: This version makes a hearty breakfast dish, with the eggs adding protein and richness.
  • Serving Suggestion: Serve over toasted English muffins or with a side of hash browns.

7. Campfire Beanie Weenies

  • Ingredients & Preparation: Prepare the beanie weenies in a cast-iron skillet over an open fire for that authentic campfire taste. You can add smoked sausage pieces instead of regular hot dogs for an even more outdoorsy flavor.
  • Serving Suggestion: Enjoy straight from the skillet, under the stars, for the full camping experience.

Each variation allows you to customize the dish according to your dietary preferences, the occasion, or simply what you have on hand. Experimenting with these different versions can turn a simple can of beans and package of hot dogs into a fun and flavorful meal.

Serving Suggestions

Serving beanie weenies in an appealing and satisfying way can enhance the dining experience, making this simple dish feel special. Here are some creative and delicious serving suggestions to consider:

1. Classic Comfort Serve

  • Presentation: Serve the beanie weenies in a colorful bowl with a spoon, emphasizing the comfort food aspect. A sprig of parsley on top can add a touch of color.
  • Sides: Accompany with slices of crusty bread or cornbread on the side for dipping and scooping up the beans and hot dogs. A side of coleslaw or a simple green salad can add freshness and balance to the meal.

2. Loaded Baked Potato

  • Presentation: Scoop a generous portion of beanie weenies over a hot baked potato that’s been split open. This combination turns the dish into a hearty, all-in-one meal.
  • Toppings: Offer a variety of toppings like shredded cheese, sour cream, chopped green onions, and crispy bacon bits for guests to customize their loaded potato.

3. Hot Dog Bun Twist

  • Presentation: Spoon the beanie weenies into hot dog buns for a fun and easy-to-eat variation. It’s like a chili dog, but with the added richness and sweetness of baked beans.
  • Accompaniments: Serve with a side of pickles or potato chips for crunch, and a dollop of mustard or relish on top for extra flavor.

4. DIY Beanie Weenies Bar

  • Presentation: Set up a beanie weenies bar with the dish in a large pot or slow cooker to keep warm. Arrange various toppings and sides around it for self-service.
  • Options: Include shredded cheese, chopped onions, jalapeños, sour cream, crushed tortilla chips, and diced avocados. This allows guests to customize their plates according to their tastes.

5. Over Rice or Quinoa

  • Presentation: Serve the beanie weenies over a bed of steamed rice or quinoa for a filling and nutritious meal. The grains will soak up the sauce, making every bite flavorful.
  • Garnish: A sprinkle of chopped cilantro or sliced green onions on top can add freshness and a pop of color.

6. Beanie Weenies Pie

  • Presentation: Pour the beanie weenies into a baking dish and top with a layer of mashed potatoes or cornbread batter. Bake until the topping is golden brown, transforming the dish into a beanie weenies pie.
  • Serving: Cut into squares and serve hot, perhaps with a side of steamed vegetables for a balanced meal.

7. In a Bread Bowl

  • Presentation: Carve out the center of small round loaves of bread to create bowls. Fill each bread bowl with beanie weenies, making a cozy and edible container.
  • Serving Tip: The scooped-out bread can be toasted and served on the side for dipping into the beanie weenies, ensuring no waste and a fun eating experience.

Each serving suggestion offers a unique way to enjoy beanie weenies, whether you’re looking for a quick and easy meal, a fun family dinner option, or a way to serve the dish to guests. Feel free to mix and match these ideas to suit your occasion and preferences.

Nutritional Information

The nutritional information for a classic beanie weenies dish can vary widely based on the specific ingredients used, such as the type of baked beans, hot dogs, and any additional ingredients or substitutions. However, I can provide you with a general estimate of the nutritional content for a typical serving of beanie weenies made with regular pork hot dogs and standard canned baked beans. This estimate is for one serving, which is approximately one cup (about 250 grams).

Estimated Nutritional Information per Serving:

  • Calories: 280-350 kcal
  • Protein: 12-18 g
  • Fat: 10-16 g
    • Saturated Fat: 3.5-5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 35-45 g
    • Sugars: 12-20 g (this includes both added sugars and natural sugars from the beans and sauces)
  • Fiber: 5-7 g
  • Sodium: 600-1000 mg
  • Cholesterol: 20-40 mg

Key Nutrients:

  • Beans offer a good source of fiber and protein, which can help with digestion and provide a feeling of fullness.
  • Hot dogs, while providing protein, can also contribute saturated fat and sodium; opting for lower-fat or plant-based alternatives can make the dish healthier.
  • Additions like mustard, ketchup, and brown sugar contribute small amounts of micronutrients but can also add to the total sugar and sodium content.

Modifications for a Healthier Version:

  • Use low-sodium baked beans to reduce the overall sodium content.
  • Choose turkey, chicken, or vegetarian hot dogs to lower saturated fat and cholesterol.
  • Add vegetables like onions, bell peppers, or spinach to increase the dish’s fiber, vitamin, and mineral content without adding many calories.
  • Reduce added sugars by using less brown sugar and choosing lower-sugar varieties of ketchup and mustard.

Keep in mind that nutritional needs vary from person to person based on factors like age, gender, activity level, and overall health goals. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice.


Storing and Reheating Tips

Storing and reheating beanie weenies correctly is important for maintaining their taste and ensuring they are safe to eat. Here are some tips for storing and reheating this dish:

Storing Beanie Weenies:

  • Cool Quickly: Allow the beanie weenies to cool to room temperature within two hours of cooking to minimize the risk of bacterial growth. However, don’t leave them out for more than two hours.
  • Refrigerator Storage: Transfer the cooled beanie weenies to an airtight container. Store them in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  • Freezer Storage: For longer storage, beanie weenies can be frozen. Place them in a freezer-safe airtight container or a heavy-duty freezer bag. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months for the best quality. Label the container with the date so you can keep track of storage time.
  • Defrosting: If frozen, thaw the beanie weenies in the refrigerator overnight before reheating.

Reheating Beanie Weenies:

  • Safety First: Always ensure that the beanie weenies are reheated to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) to ensure they are safe to eat.
  • Microwave: For a quick option, transfer a portion to a microwave-safe dish, cover it with a microwave-safe lid or a paper towel to retain moisture, and heat on high for 1-2 minutes, stirring halfway through to ensure even reheating.
  • Stovetop: Reheat beanie weenies in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally until thoroughly heated. This method helps maintain the texture and flavor. If the mixture seems too thick, you can add a little water or broth to adjust the consistency.
  • Oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Transfer the beanie weenies to an oven-safe dish and cover it with aluminum foil to prevent drying out. Heat for about 10-15 minutes or until heated through. This method is great for larger quantities.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid Repeated Reheating: Try to reheat only the amount of beanie weenies you plan to eat in one sitting. Repeatedly cooling and reheating can degrade the quality and increase the risk of foodborne illness.
  • Stir Well: Whether reheating in the microwave or on the stovetop, stirring the beanie weenies occasionally helps distribute the heat more evenly.
  • Taste Test: After reheating, give the beanie weenies a taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Sometimes, the flavors can change slightly after storage, and a little extra seasoning can help.

By following these storing and reheating tips, you can enjoy your beanie weenies safely and deliciously in the days following the initial preparation.

Pairing with Beverages

Beanie weenies, with their rich and savory profile, pair well with a variety of beverages. The best pairing will complement the dish’s hearty flavors without overwhelming them. Here are some beverage pairing suggestions that can enhance your beanie weenies meal:

Non-Alcoholic Options:

  1. Iced Tea: A classic, refreshing choice that can help cleanse the palate between bites. Sweetened or unsweetened, lemon-flavored iced tea works particularly well by offering a tart contrast to the savory dish. 
  2. Sparkling Water: For those who prefer a no-calorie option, sparkling water can add a refreshing and cleansing element to the meal, helping to balance the richness of the beans and hot dogs. 
  3. Apple Cider: Non-alcoholic apple cider provides a sweet and slightly tangy complement that can highlight the dish’s savory flavors, especially if you’ve added a sweet component like brown sugar. 
  4. Root Beer: The unique flavors of root beer can complement the smoky and sweet notes of beanie weenies, making for an interesting and enjoyable pairing. 

Alcoholic Options:

  1. Lager or Pilsner: Light and crisp beers like lagers or pilsners can cleanse the palate and cut through the richness of the dish without overwhelming its flavors. 
  2. Amber Ale: The caramel notes in amber ales can complement the sweetness of the baked beans and the smokiness of the hot dogs, creating a harmonious balance. 
  3. Cider (Alcoholic): A dry cider can offer a nice contrast to the sweetness and savory flavors of beanie weenies, with the carbonation and apple flavors providing a refreshing counterpoint. 
  4. Light-bodied Red Wine: If you prefer wine, a light-bodied red wine like a Pinot Noir can pair nicely with beanie weenies. The wine’s acidity and fruit notes can complement the dish without overpowering it. 

General Tips:

  • Consider the Seasonings: If your beanie weenies recipe includes specific spices or flavors (like barbecue or spicy elements), try to match the beverage to these notes. A spicier dish might go well with a sweeter beverage to balance the heat.
  • Mind the Sweetness: If your beanie weenies are particularly sweet, opt for a drink with some acidity or bitterness to balance the flavors rather than something equally sweet.

Choosing the right beverage can elevate your beanie weenies meal from simple comfort food to a more rounded and satisfying dining experience. Whether you prefer non-alcoholic or alcoholic options, there’s a perfect pairing out there to complement this hearty dish.

Beanie Weenies for Every Occasion

Beanie weenies, a simple yet satisfying dish, can be adapted to fit nearly any occasion, from casual get-togethers to more festive gatherings. Here are some ideas on how to serve beanie weenies for different events, making the most of this versatile dish.

Casual Weeknight Dinner

  • Simplicity is Key: Serve the classic beanie weenies with a side of crusty bread and a simple green salad. It’s a quick and comforting meal that brings the family together without much fuss.

Children’s Party

  • Fun Serving Ideas: Make mini beanie weenie cups using pastry or in small bowls. Kids love the novelty of individual portions they can carry around. Pair it with fruit skewers and mini muffins for a balanced spread.

Outdoor Barbecue

  • Side Dish Supreme: Offer beanie weenies as a hearty side dish alongside grilled meats and vegetables. Its rich, smoky flavor complements the barbecue fare perfectly. Consider adding barbecue sauce to the recipe for an extra kick.

Potluck Gatherings

  • A Crowd-Pleaser: Bring a large, slow-cooker full of beanie weenies to your next potluck. It’s easy to transport and can stay warm throughout the event. Plus, it’s a hit across various age groups, ensuring everyone has something to enjoy.

Game Day

  • Hearty Snack: Serve beanie weenies as part of your game day spread. It’s filling and satisfying, making it perfect for grazing throughout the day. Serve in a large bowl with a spoon so guests can help themselves.

Camping Trip

  • Campfire Meal: Beanie weenies can easily be made over a campfire, adding to the outdoor adventure experience. Prepare it in a cast iron skillet over the fire for a smoky flavor that enhances the dish.

Holiday Gatherings

  • Comfort Food Festivity: For a cozy holiday meal, serve beanie weenies with a twist by adding seasonal ingredients like cranberry sauce or a sprinkle of cinnamon and serving alongside festive sides.

Brunch Spread

  • Breakfast Twist: Incorporate breakfast sausages instead of hot dogs and serve alongside scrambled eggs and toast for a brunch-friendly version of beanie weenies.

Themed Dinners

  • Retro Night: Host a retro-themed dinner party and feature beanie weenies as a nostalgic main dish. Pair with other vintage dishes for a fun, throwback evening.

Vegetarian Gatherings

  • Meatless Version: Use vegetarian hot dogs and beans for a vegetarian-friendly version of the dish. Add more vegetables like bell peppers and mushrooms for added flavor and texture.

Beanie weenies can adapt to fit the vibe of nearly any gathering, offering a comforting and hearty option that’s as easy to make as it is to enjoy. With a little creativity, this classic dish can suit any event, bringing smiles and satisfaction to your guests.

What is Beanie Weenies Made Out Of?

Beanie weenies is a dish consisting of baked beans and hot dogs cut into bite-size pieces. The beans typically used are canned baked beans, which come in a variety of flavors and styles, such as original, barbecue, or vegetarian. The hot dogs can be of any type, including beef, pork, turkey, or even plant-based alternatives for a vegetarian version. Seasonings like mustard, ketchup, and brown sugar are often added for extra flavor.

What Do You Eat With Beanie Weenies?

Beanie weenies can be enjoyed as a standalone dish or accompanied by various sides to make a complete meal. Common pairings include:

  • Cornbread or crusty bread for dipping.
  • Green salad for a fresh contrast.
  • Coleslaw for a crunchy, tangy side.
  • Potato salad or macaroni salad for a classic picnic feel.
  • Steamed or roasted vegetables for added nutrition.

What Goes Good With Franks and Beans?

Franks and beans, similar to beanie weenies, pair well with a variety of sides. Ideal companions include:

  • Grilled corn on the cob for a smoky, sweet side.
  • Garlic bread to soak up the sauce.
  • Baked potatoes, which can be loaded with toppings.
  • Macaroni and cheese for a doubly comforting meal.
  • Pickles or pickled vegetables to cut through the richness.

Who Invented Beanies and Weenies?

The exact origin of beanie weenies is difficult to pinpoint, as combining sausages or hot dogs with beans is a practice that likely evolved independently in various places. However, the dish as known in the United States gained popularity as an easy, affordable, and filling meal during the early to mid-20th century. It reflects the American tradition of convenience cooking, using readily available canned goods and simple ingredients to create a comforting meal.


Beanie weenies represent the epitome of comfort food: simple, satisfying, and endlessly adaptable. Whether you’re revisiting a childhood favorite or discovering this classic dish for the first time, the perfect beanie weenies recipe is within your reach. Follow this guide to create a meal that’s sure to warm hearts and fill bellies, no matter the occasion.

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